Shelter Location:
Cat Adoption Team14175 SW Galbreath Drive
Sherwood, OR 97140
phone: (503) 925-8903
email: contactus@catadoptionteam.org
Hello, my name is Wilma, and really, I’m just a friendly family girl who loves pats and affection and gets along with everyone. Well, maybe not with every cat. If they get too pushy, I do get intimidated. In fact if there were no other cats around, that would be even better. I tend to like my laid back style of leisure, so some have called me a “couch cat” or even a “couch potato.” Well, yes, I am a bit hefty, but how do they get a potato out of that?
I am now reaching my middle years and do have some medical issues. I seem to have this chronic back pain. I don’t usually have a problem with it and the hospitals here and elsewhere checked it out and took X-rays and say that they can’t find any obvious causes, but I do tend to be a bit tender around the back end because of it. The doctors gave me some medicine for it. I also have crystals in my urine which can cause discomfort and may be the source of rare litterbox problems. The hospital put me on a special diet for it, though, and it should be getting better. And then there’s my weight. I reminded the hospital that I am merely big-boned, but they insisted I go on an exercise plan and a diet. Sigh…I do love my meals.
Perhaps, then, you are looking for a friendly, undemanding cat. Perhaps you are looking for a quiet, loving companion to share your reading chair or tv couch or bed. Perhaps you, too, have lower back pain and are looking for some understanding and sympathy. Perhaps you are looking for me.